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May 2024:
Last year John Pedersen made available a wonderful new addition to his discography. Released on March 29, 2023, "Golden" is a pleasant collection of piano based instrumentals enhanced by strings, magical synth sounds and percussion. Stylistically, this diverse album draws from jazz, chill and ambient influences - with interesting chord progressions and catchy melodies. Largely inspired by a Caribbean Cruise, this project features songs like "Golden" - about the picturesque sunsets in the region along with, "Caribbean Dream". The especially haunting "Cenote" is about those enchanting cave systems, with mysterious pools of crystal clear water, that are scattered about the Yucatán Peninsula. "Orange Blossoms" was inspired by the fragrant flowers that appear every Spring on various citrus trees. "Into Your Eyes" is about gazing into the eyes of someone you love.

Revealing the next chapter in the music of John Pedersen, "Golden" features tracks that blend infectious melodies with compelling chord progressions that are played on piano, synthesizer and, in some cases, drums and percussion. The eclectic mix of styles ranging from new age to jazz will certainly satisfy the listener.

We're happy to announce that John's latest project is now out. Using piano and a variety of keyboards, John Pedersen has recorded a collection of new songs entitled, "Solace". Drawing from a plethora of styles including ambient, new age and groove oriented electronica, John has taken us to a beautiful mountain meadow to gaze out at the surrounding forest. The imaginative melodies and sublime textures allow the listener to travel along a trail in the woods before reaching a babbling brook. Deeply engaging and captivating, this eclectic album features several songs about nature including, "Solace", "Butterflies", "Moonrise", "Raindrops", and "Snowscape". "Legacy" is an excerpt from an old score, John composed for a short film in 1994 entitled, "Legacy of Love". The movie was submitted to the 1995 Sundance Film Festival. The tune, "Out of the Box", is a journey through scintillating electronica with sonic delights that may very well escaped from Pandora’s Box.

Since its release date of April 4, 2024, this essential project is now being heard across the universe through the miracle of streaming and downloading. It's available at fine stores like, iTunes, Amazon, as well as sites like Pandora and Spotify.

September 2022:
Sales, in the form of streams and downloads, of John Pedersen's latest releases have been substantial. In particular, CASCADE, has done well. When first released in June, it entered the Amazon Top 100 New Age New Releases Chart and remained there for over two months! That was quite an achievement because most albums leave the chart during the first or second week.

Even as CASCADE enjoys a consistent level of success, John is already working on new music. The album, currently untitled, is slated for a Spring, 2023 release. Several songs have been conceived and partially written including, "Rapture', "Orange Blossoms", "Patterns", "Next Level" and "Into Your Eyes". Many of the songs, like in John's past works, are inspired by love, the beauty of nature and spirituality and are presented in a New Age type of contemporary instrumental music context. Occasionally, some of John Pedersen's music veers into the experimental territory of soothing Ambient, relaxing Chill and cutting edge EDM (Electronic Dance Music). One such song, the electronically based and catchy, "Multiverse", has already been recorded. Piano ballad, "Streaming", originally recorded for the CASCADE project but left off of it, will find its home on this upcoming and wonderful album.

June 2022:
CASCADE, a nature themed collection of piano based instrumentals was made available on June 27, 2022. In the style of Contemporary New Age, John's piano melodies have been enhanced by ethereal synthesizer passages, compelling harmonic structures and gentle percussion. Check the blue "More Info" link on the Home Page for more details. It is streaming everywhere and available as a download as well. All of the usual cyber stores and streaming services have CASCADE available.

March 2022:
TROPIC WONDER made its debut in the digital realm on March 7, 2022 to a substantial amount of success. Inspired by love, nature and spirituality, this release also continued the gorgeous Hawaiian themes of John's prior release, AFTERGLOW. It's available everywhere. Click on the blue "More Info" link on the home page for details.

November 2021:
AFTERGLOW, released on November 18, 2021, was largely inspired by John's recent trip to the Hawaiian Island of Kauai. The cover photo shows an after-sunset scene, with gorgeous colors, photographed by John on Kauai's south shore. Presented in a contemporary "New Age" style that focuses on John's piano playing, many songs on here are padded with lush soundscapes of ethereal strings, augmented with ethnic percussion and are designed to take the listener on an enchanted journey. It is available everywhere. Click on the More Info link on the Home Page for details.

July 2021:
Sacred Secrets was released on July 22, 2021 and charted at #2 on the Amazon Top 100 New Age Releases. The album is receiving numerous streams and downloads at the usual sites like, iTunes, Spotify, Amazon and Pandora.

March 2021:
On March 10, 2021, "Music for the Journey" entered the digital music domain with an Amazon Chart position at #4 and frequent streams and downloads.

October 2020:
"Messages", released on October 4, 2020, is an album of relaxing and evocative instrumental songs conveying a "message" of hope and love. The opening song, "The Blue Sun Cave", ushers in a new direction for Mr. Pedersen. One that encompasses a strong Native American influence. Indigenous rattle, rain stick and drum with flute pervades this project with lovely and imaginative sound design. "Beyond Words" depicts a vivid dream so amazing that one was left speechless upon awakening. "Androids" takes the listener into the realm of science fiction. The album cover features a Native American rock art site called, "Newspaper Rock", which features hundreds of symbols and figures that present some kind of "message" to the world.

The album peaked at #2 on the Amazon Top 100 New Age Album Chart. Sales, streams and downloads have been impressive. Listen for free at many sites such as Spotify, Pandora and YouTube.

August 2020:
"To The Sky", released on August 24, 2020, is a reimagining of John Pedersen's 2017 album, "Spires". Since the original "Spires" had some sonic issues, "Spires 2" was released a few months later, featuring newer and sonically better versions of some of the songs. "To The Sky" marks the completion of the rework of that album. Consequently, the original "Spires" project has now been removed from the digital marketplace. The new album features breathtaking and stunning songs that are sure to inspire the listener.

Interestingly enough, the album opens with another remake of an older John Pedersen track. "Groovemaster", originally released in summer of 2010, is a funky jazz tune anchored by a rhythm section that provides the perfect balance between substance and groove. Like the original Spires album, Groovemaster suffered from sonic issues and was deleted from the marketplace. The new version, on "To The Sky" is excellent and much improved, having benefited from better arranging and mixing.

The entire album is a sonic delight. Shortly after coming out, "To The Sky" entered the Amazon Top 100 New Age Chart at a decent #18. Please have a listen for free at many of the streaming sites.

July 2020:
"Timeless" was unveiled to the world on July 1, 2020. Another project of John Pedersen instrumental songs played primarily on piano but enhanced at times by gorgeous synthesizer padding and exotic percussion. Conceived during the Coronavirus pandemic, the song, "Isolation" features a lonely and haunting Native flute underscored by an engaging ethnic beat. A warm synthesizer sound "washes" across the soundscape several times during the song, bringing a feeling of comfort and optimism to the listener. Your heartstrings will be pulled during the beautiful love song, "Timeless". Other songs feature more Native influences as well as a touch of electronic dance music.

In its first week of release, "Timeless" reached #71 on the Amazon Top 100 New Age Album Chart. Streams and downloads have been excellent. Listen for free at the usual sites such as, Spotify, Pandora and YouTube. You can purchase it at Amazon and iTunes.

March 2020:
John's new album, "Connections", was released on March 5, 2020. Featuring a compelling set of ten instrumentals, played by John Pedersen on piano and synthesizer (enhanced by a variety of percussion and rhythms), this eclectic project features everything from solo piano and ambient sounding tunes to dance oriented electronica. This release has been receiving numerous streams and downloads from sites such as, Spotify, Pandora, iTunes, Amazon and Google Play.

November 2019:
"Cantus Novus", the title of John Pedersen's new album, is a Latin phrase meaning "new music" or "new song". The project started out being called, Origins II (New Demos), which would've been the sequel to John's 2017 collection, Origins (The Demos), but "Cantus Novus" seemed to be a more reasonable and perhaps, creative title.

John's ten track soundscape is superbly layered with dramatic textures, enchanted elements and imaginative songwriting. Appropriate moods and sound colors ebb and flow upon waves of inspired rhythms. Gentle ambient passages occur at times but are often interrupted by pulsing bass lines and tribal percussion. Nonetheless, a cohesion exists throughout and makes for a satisfying musical adventure.

March 2019:
Using piano and a variety of keyboards, John Pedersen has recorded a collection of new songs entitled, "By The Sea." Drawing from a plethora of styles including ambient, new age and groove oriented electronica, John has taken us to a beautiful seashore to gaze out at the blue ocean. The imaginative melodies and sublime textures allow the listener to travel a vast seascape before being immersed in warm waters. Deeply engaging and captivating, this eclectic album covers a lot of ground - or shall it be said, "covers a lot of water."

Since it's release date of March 12, 2019, this essential project is now being heard across the universe through the miracle of streaming and downloading. It's available at fine stores like, CDBaby, iTunes, Amazon, Google Play as well as sites like, Pandora and Spotify.

November 2018:
John's newest album was released on November 12th, 2018. Entitled, In The Light, the project was recently described as "a pleasant collection of piano based instrumentals enhanced by strings, magical synth sounds and percussion. Stylistically, this diverse album draws from jazz, chill and ambient influences - with interesting chord progressions and catchy melodies."

This release is available in most online stores including iTunes, CDBaby, Amazon and Google Play. It has also been added to a number of streaming sites like Pandora and Spotify.

September 2018:
Most of John Pedersen's musical works have been added to Pandora including the older titles, White Owl, Paradise and Groovidi. Newer material will soon be available as well.

March 2018:
The San Diego Brain Injury Foundation has an annual walkathon entitled, Survive Headstrong Walk. This helps raise funds for this outstanding organization. To promote the event, a professional video is made each year to raise awareness for this worthwhile cause. Some of John's music has been featured on these promo videos. In 2017, "First Anniversary", was used and for the 2018 version, "La Playa de Amor" accompanied some of the scenes. Being a charity event, the music has been provided for use by the video production company royalty free.

October 2017:
Spires II was released in early August 2017 featuring more beautiful instrumentals played on piano and keyboards. Spires II marks a continuation of the compelling work done on the first Spires release (May 2017) and has been described as "an amazing feast for the ears with compelling soundscapes underscored by vibrant percussion. Many have found the melodic mix of jazz, rock, chilled ambiance and solo piano to be quite enjoyable."

In the middle of October 2017, yet another album was added to the fold. This one entitled, "Origins - The Demos", features a collection of 14 instrumentals that are a bit uncharacteristic of John Pedersen's usual New Age and Smooth Jazz styles. This album pushes the envelope and throws caution to the wind with some very upbeat and lively electronic dance music, ethnic fusion, acid jazz grooves and fascinating samples. The tunes from Origins are actually old demos of many songs found on John's earlier albums. Since much of this material was toned down for inclusion on the "official" albums, the demos in their original form are much more vigorous and upbeat than the "official" album versions. The song titles, in most cases, have been altered to avoid confusion from the former performing rights organization that represented these tunes after they appeared on the album in their more "mellow" and polished form. More info on this release can be found at this link https://store.cdbaby.com/cd/johnpedersen10.

May 2017:
John's newest album, "Spires", was released on May 19, 2017. Already available on CDBaby.com, this new collection of instrumental works will soon be for sale in several dozen online stores including iTunes, Amazon, Spotify and Rhapsody. Drawing from a wealth of compositions that John has composed over the years, this album features compelling piano instrumentals with added strings and magical sounds that take the listener on a fascinating journey. Occasionally, this primarily "new age" type of release veers into "chill out jazz" territory with hypnotic beats and ethnic percussion. More information about this album can be found at the following link: http://cdbaby.com/cd/johnpedersen8.

March 2017:
John Pedersen has started recording his new album, "Spires". Featuring a number of piano instrumentals occasionally padded by beautiful strings and other sounds, this relaxing collection of new age gems will be released on the 20th anniversary of John's first album, "White Owl". The cover art was conceived by John's former associate, Orb Gettarr. If you recall, John Pedersen and Orb Gettarr wrote and recorded an album together in 2011. Orb now goes by the name of, "Sonic Bodhi", and continues to make compelling music and artwork.

February 2011:
John Pedersen and Midwestern musician, Orb Gettarr, have released a new age collection of instrumentals appropriately entitled, "The New Age Masters". The album, unveiled on February 1st, 2011, features a variety of ambient and mystical tunes performed by John Pedersen (keyboards, drum programming) and Orb Gettarr (guitar, bass, drum programming, additional keyboards). The album also features beautiful and inspiring artwork by Orb. This project is available at CDBaby, iTunes, Amazon and around a dozen other online stores. More info can be found at https://store.cdbaby.com/cd/johnpedersenorbgettarr.

October 2010:
The "2012" album release date: 10-10-10. The recording is available at iTunes, CDBaby, Amazon and and around 30 other online venues. Also, be sure to watch the video for Track #10, "Novelty", found on YouTube at this link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0_up8hieW18

July 2010:
A video for "Novelty", from John's upcoming "2012" album, was created by my friend, artist and musician, ORB GETTAR. Orb used some very innovative graphics to enhance the song. Many of the elements associated with the end of the Mayan calendar, as well as other fascinating concepts about the 2012 event, were weaved into the imagery. Here is the link to watch NOVELTY: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0_up8hieW18

May 2010:
A song from John Pedersen's forthcoming release, "2012", entered the digital marketplace on May 18th. The tune, "Time Wave Zero", is a compelling slice of chilled-ambient heaven inspired by the late scientist-philosopher Terence McKenna's hypothesis that everything is rapidly approaching an end point, or eschaton. Interestingly enough, his computer program, after adjusting for several glitches, came up with the date, December 21, 2012. For more information go to this link: http://www.cdbaby.com/cd/JohnPedersen1

As a change of pace, John will release a funky, smooth jazz piece entitled, "Groovemaster", on July 27th, 2010. Written in the style of "groove" oriented artists, such as, "Down to the Bone" and Bona Fide", GROOVEMASTER is happy, upbeat and, most importantly, funky. Further info can be found here: http://www.cdbaby.com/cd/JohnPedersen6

March 2010:
John has started to write music for a future project entitled, "2012". The album, which features a more "sci-fi" and "epic soundtrack" kind of sound, is set to be released on the interesting date of, 10-10-10.

October 2009:
An animated video using John Pedersen's piano piece, "Afterthoughts", was a 3rd place winner at the Swan Lake: Moving Image and Music Awards ceremony, in Germany, on October 20, 2009. The video entitled, "Sequence 1", can be viewed at the following link:
"Afterthoughts" has also been included on a solo piano compilation CD entitled, "Acoustic Visions". This excellent album, consisting of an assortment of fine pianists (including John), can be ordered here:
The LINKS section of this website has been updated to include gateways to some of John's other networking sites including Twitter, Facebook, YouTube and ReverbNation.

September 2009:
In the last 6 months, the music of John Pedersen has experienced a big increase in radio and internet airplay. Tracks from "Paradise" and "Groovidi" have been heard on Ted Hasiuk's "Cafe Jazz", Mark Stanley's "Sound Traxx" and "Hot Clicks with Lady J". Older songs from John's first 3 albums have also been added to a number of playlists. In fact, radio tracking and royalty statements both confirm that, a total of 160 stations have played tunes from all of Mr. Pedersen's CDs.

August 2009:
Music from John Pedersen will be used in an audio book written by Brazilian author Dr. Vanessa Curry. Stay tuned for details. Also, the beautiful piano ballad, "Marina Sunset" (found on the Paradise album), is being remixed by a European electronica artist with completion expected by early 2010.

August 2008:
John Pedersen has released a new album entitled, "Selected Piano Works". This excellent collection of previously released solo piano tunes, is now available as a FREE DOWNLOAD at the following link:
A variety of John's enjoyable piano music awaits the listener with soft, romantic ballads and relaxing jazz. Some have a classical influence, while others offer a slice of folksy Americana. All of it was performed with John's careful articulation and heartfelt expression. All of the songs can be heard in their original form before downloading. Please prepare for a delightful listening experience.

January 2008:
John Pedersen will be performing at the Carmel Mountain Borders Store in the San Diego area on January 26, 2008 from 8-10 PM. Admission is free. Drawing from a wealth of compelling music from all five of his albums, John will be performing a mixture of solo piano ballads, uptempo smooth jazz and chill-out-lounge electronica. The venue is located at 11160 Rancho Carmel Drive in San Diego (92128 zip code). For more info, call the store at 858-618-1814.

December 2007:
John's new album, "Groovidi", did very well in 2007 with copious airplay and stellar reviews. This smooth jazz masterpiece is available as a CD or download at Amazon, CD Baby, iTunes and many other online stores. Also, John's three My Space Profiles are being frequented by many enthusiastic smooth jazz fans. Go to the "Links" page for the popular "John Pedersen" My Space page. As the year ended, John performed at several choir concerts as a piano accompanist.

September 2007:
John Pedersen will be performing at the Hot Java Cafe in Poway, California on September 15th from 7-10 PM. He will be playing a variety of smooth jazz tunes from his discography playing from his keyboard setup. Tunes from the new album, "Groovidi" will be featured prominently. That release has received radio airplay on 35 stations and has earned several outstanding reviews. Special guest, Jefferey Joe Morin, will be rotating sets with John singing and playing acoustic guitar. For more information, please call Hot Java Cafe at (858) 673-7111. The address is 11738 Carmel Mountain Road, San Diego, CA 92128.

March 2007:
John Pedersen's new album, "GROOVIDI", has been released!

January 2007:
"Paradise" was a staple on Washington D.C. "Smooth Jazz 105.9 FM" (WJZW) during AI Santos' "Smooth Jazz Sunday Brunch". In fact, "Themes of Love" was the number 7 tune on AI's  list of the top 50 songs of 2006. Also, famous jazz musician/producer, Jason Miles, had this to say: "Paradise sounds good to me.". Reviewer Jim Trageser said, "the musicianship is solid, the grooves are pleasant...". The San Diego Reader stated that, "the acoustic-piano solos are masterful...sentimental and sweet in tone...and gives a quiet feeling of gentle rain". Sandy Shore, radio personality and owner of smooth jazz.com said, "Paradise is a smooth journey...a cool blend of searing guitar...and relaxed keys". Not to be out done, Stephen Ruby adds that Paradise "is a strong production full of very tasty guitar work, exemplary keyboard technique and percussionary tactics...". After a successful year with John's fourth album, "Paradise", all attention is now focused on the next project: "GROOVIDI".

December 2006:
John Pedersen's new CD, "Groovidi", is in the final mixing stages and will be released by early February, 2007. Featuring a number of great guest musicians, like Adrienne Nims on sax/flute, Jeff Winckler on drums and Andy Machin on guitar, bass and percussion, this album will continue the tradition of John's compelling keyboard work. Interesting melodies and lush soundscapes will be supported by a very hip and jazzy rhythm section. Genres explored in this new release will include: smooth jazz, funk, Latin flavored flamenco stylings, swing and solo piano. The album will open with the potential smooth jazz hit, "It's Good" followed by the Latin tinged "La Playa de Amor". The title track, "Groovidi" comes next with a chill-out downtempo type of pace which is followed by a great saxophone exhibition on "Touch of Blue". Please stay tuned to this website for future updates concerning this exciting project.

October 2006:
John's "Paradise" album has received a generous amount of radio and internet airplay in the last several months. According to Media Guide tracking services, the most played tune was, "City Lights Below" with 809 spins followed by, "Soul Mates" with 432 spins. The experimental "drum and bass" tune, "Slippery Slide" was played on a number of talk radio stations, including the very popular Bill Handel show on Los Angeles mega-station, KFI.

September 2006:
"Paradise" has been added to iTunes, as well as John's other three CDs. Over 1000 downloads have been recorded in the last two months.

April 2006:
John will be performing in Escondido, CA at the Westfield North County Fair Mall on April 29th and 30th. On both afternoons, he will be playing tunes from his four album discography on a full concert grand piano, and admission is free. In other news, a "Press" page will soon be added to this website featuring several complimentary reviews of John's new album. Radio and internet airplay is increasing and "Paradise" was on the smoothjazz.com chart as the fifth most "added" album. "City Lights Below" is the track that's getting the most airplay on smooth jazz radio. The album has also charted on the "New Age Reporter Top 100" at #25 for March mostly from airplay of the four piano instrumentals on the CD. Additionally, "Soul Mates" and "Along The Path" have both appeared on some "world fusion" and "chill out lounge" type of playlists.

February 2006:
John Pedersen's new CD, "Paradise", is currently being sent out to radio stations nationwide for possible airplay. Magazines will be sent copies for review consideration as well. Small concerts in the San Diego area are being planned to promote John's music.

Visitor Count: 219,048


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